New Customer Signup
If you are a new customer, please contact us to setup your personal account and initial meeting.
Existing Customer Login
Existing customers can log into our easy to use portal to make reservations 24/7.
Our Rules
- To be part of the family at The Meadows Canine Camp dogs must be socialized and friendly to everyone/pup on site. Dogs that do NOT do well in our environment have separation anxiety, barkers, or a dominant play style.
- We do not accommodate Pit Bulls, chows, Mastiff breeds, American Bulldogs, or any fighting breeds.
- We do accommodate unaltered pups and have puppy play socials every day so they learn to respect social cues.
- Required vaccinations: Rabies. Dhlpp. Bordetella
Beyond The Kennel - Our Social Responsibility
We believe in being the best neighbor we can be. This means focusing our social responsibility resources on improving the lives of those who live and work in our local communities.
To achieve our mission, we focus on our partnerships with community organizations and local residents, encourage employee leadership and set clear goals. We work diligently with Sonoma County and donate a portion of our property for the use agricultural needs.
We do volunteer work within the schools to motivate students with an understanding of what it means to run a business and what it means to be held accountable.
We Understand Dogs and Dogs Feel This
At the core of The Meadows Canine Camp is a dedication to service and ethical excellence. The Meadows Canine Camp is in the business to protect what is most important to customers. We are prepared for the unforeseen with a great team and great property built just for dogs.
The Meadows Canine Camp customers are confident in the care of their pets. Customers rely on us for the sense of security that comes with being prepared and protected. We gained our initial strength from being called upon in emergency situations. Our strength is in our responsiveness to your pets needs at all times.