Massage and Wellness

    Massage and Wellness
Massage and Wellness2024-05-09T20:49:23+00:00

Massage and Wellness

If you have ever experienced the soothing touch of a massage, you are likely familiar with its profound healing and calming effects. The benefits extend well beyond mere relaxation of sore muscles. Canine massage enhances blood flow and oxygenation, facilitates the healing of sprains and strains, reduces pain, and improves muscle tone. It encourages mobility and alleviates anxiety and stress in dogs. Additionally, massage can bolster the immune system, aid in digestion, assist in toxin removal, and even decrease blood pressure. Most dogs thoroughly enjoy the experience!

Who Can Benefit From A Massage ?

Massage therapy offers significant benefits across all stages of a dog’s life, addressing various physical and emotional needs.

For older dogs, particularly those suffering from arthritis and joint pain, massage therapy can significantly enhance mobility and flexibility. It helps these senior pets manage pain and maintain a better quality of life by improving circulation and muscle tone. The gentle touch of a massage therapist can be especially comforting, fostering trust and confidence in human interaction.

Anxious dogs also benefit from massage as it teaches them to relax and trust human touch. This can build their confidence and reduce stress, creating a more harmonious environment.

Dogs recovering from injury or surgery can experience a faster rehabilitation process through massage. It aids in preventing re-injury, decreases pain and discomfort, and accelerates the healing of tissues. For active dogs who participate in sports, hiking, obedience classes, and other activities, massage is invaluable. It improves muscle tone, lengthens the dog’s stride, increases range of motion, and allows for more fluid movement, which in turn reduces the risk of sports-related injuries.

For puppies and young dogs, massage plays a crucial role in their development. It helps them learn to relax and accept human touch and body handling, which is vital for their overall training and socialization. Massage eases the pain associated with growth, warms up muscles before play or strenuous activity, and helps alleviate post-exercise stiffness and pain.


A 30 minute session is $45

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